The CANDLE library enables users to run their own deep learning code on a set of supported high-performance computers. With the current version of CANDLE, users will be able to run a hyperparameter optimization task (mlrMBO workflow) or a parallel execution task (upf workflow). In order to run those workflows, users are required to implement a class and methods (will be explained in section 1) and follow some procedures (see section 2) for each workflow. This user guide will provide an overview of these code structures and an explanation of parameters or variables as needed.

How to write CANDLE compliant deep learning code#

Minimum requirements#

CANDLE compliant code requires you to create a Python class and implement two methods, run() and initialize_parameters(). The base class already provides common parameters such as batch_size, epoch, etc. and enables you to register additional parameters as needed. In addition to that, you can mandate that some parameters exist and have values, if needed.

Base Class#

The CANDLE library provides a base class (candle.Benchmark), which you will extend to configure your parameters. If you don’t have any additional parameters to define, you can use this code as is (see MNIST example).

additional_definitions = None
required = None

class MNIST(candle.Benchmark):  # 1
    def set_locals(self):
        if required is not None:
            self.required = set(required)
        if additional_definitions is not None:
            self.additional_definitions = additional_definitions
  • # 1: Create a new class by extending candle.Benchmark

Additional Parameters#

You can add a parameter like this example. The example illustrates how to define an integer type parameter, pool with minimum description. This uses Python’s argparse library.

additional_definitions = [{
    'name':'pool', # 1
    'nargs':'+', # 2
    'type': int, # 3
    'help':'network structure of shared layer' # 4
  • # 1: required. Name of parameter.

  • # 2: optional. The number of command-line arguments.

  • # 3: required. The type to which the command-line arguments should be converted.

  • # 4: optional. A brief description of what the argument does.

Mandatory parameters#

If you would like to make some common parameters mandatory, you will need to define a required variable, a list of parameter names, and pass it to the definition of your class.

required = [

Thread Optimization#

On some high-performance computing machines like Theta, the performance will be greatly improved if we let CANDLE handle threads. So, it is generally recommended to have code like lines 14 to 21 in this example, which sets appropriate parameters in a tensorflow session.

# thread optimization
import os
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
if K.backend() == 'tensorflow' and 'NUM_INTRA_THREADS' in os.environ:
    import tensorflow as tf
    sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(inter_op_parallelism_threads=int(os.environ['NUM_INTER_THREADS']),

initialize_parameters Method#

In the initialize_parameters() method, we will instantiate the base class, and finally build an argument parser to recognize your customized parameters in addition to the default parameters ( default_utils.initialize_parameters()). The initialize_parameters() method should return a python dictionary, which will be passed to the run() method.

# this is a part of

import mnist
import candle

def initialize_parameters():
    mnist_common = mnist.MNIST(mnist.file_path,
        'mnist_params.txt',  # 4
        desc='MNIST example'
    )  # 1

    # Initialize parameters
    gParameters = default_utils.initialize_parameters(mnist_common)  # 2

    return gParameters  # 3
  • # 1: instantiate base class

  • # 2: build argument parser

  • # 3: initialize_parameters() should return a dictionary

  • # 4: a file that contains default values for the given parameters. See below for example.


When parameters are not overwritten by workflows, their values will be used as defaults.

Run Method#

You can place your deep learning code in the run() method. Your parameters are accessible in the input dictionary like gParameters['batch_size'].

We have an example that converted a simple MNIST neural net provided by Keras Team into CANDLE compliant form. In this example, you will see how the actual neural network was transplanted in the run() method.

Finally, the run() method returns a keras history object. This can be omitted for upf workflow, but required for HPO workflow. (see upf and mbo explanation below)

# this is a part of

def run(gParameters): # 1
    # Your DL start here. See   #


    batch_size = gParameters['batch_size']
    epochs = gParameters['epochs']



    history =, y_train,
                        validation_data=(x_test, y_test))
    # End of ####################
  return history # 2
  • # 1: run method receives parameter dictionary

  • # 2: returns keras history object or None.

    • The mlrMBO workflow requires returning a keras history object so that the workflow can evaluate the model. The upf workflow does not have the evaluation process, so you can return None.